terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2017

self ligation system in orthodontic treatments

Self-linked, why are they better?

Orthodontics has undergone a revolution in recent years with the emergence of self-ligation systems, as they offer various facilities for patients.
This new system differs from the conventional one basically because it does not require the use of the famous "gutters" that hold the wires in the dental apparatus, since the brackets themselves come with an internal device to fasten the wire, allowing a better slip and a faster biomechanics .
It is propagated in the commercial environment that your job avoids the unwanted need for dental extractions, but as they say, "not everything that glitters is gold", many factors must be analyzed to really define what treatment plan is most appropriate. The analysis of the patient's profile and his or her gingival and bone anatomy are preponderant for the indication of certain orthodontic approaches.
The advantages of this modality of treatment are numerous, since the absence of gypsum retains less bacterial plaque around the brackets, providing a better gingival health in the patients.

 The use of intelligent wires with technology developed at NASA, which accelerate the treatment sensibly, requiring less exchange between the consultations.
The routine of monthly consultations also changes with the use of this technique, with the intervals ranging from 45 days to 2 months between visits and the treatment time is also suppressed generally around 6 months to 1 year. Which is one of the great attractions, since people today have less time for consultations and want faster results.
At Ortokist you find this modality of treatment and much more, schedule your consultation now!
Tel:  55(47) 3372 3755 or 55 (47) 9 9639 3360 Jaraguá do Sul - SC - Brasil

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